Saturday, July 10, 2010

Aztec, New Mexico

Kaitlyn, Tycia, and Jentry on our tour
of the ruins at Aztec, New Mexico
It was fun to visit the ruins and consider how much work, intelligence, and innovation went into creating the beautiful structures that these ancient people dwelled and worhipped in. Kaitlyn so beautifully posed for a picture. You can see that there is a massive mound of ruins behind her. We got to walk through the various rooms. Rhen and Darren did great ducking under all of the short doorways. They kept warning me to keep my head down, but of course I had to hit my head a time or two. The doorways were really short, so they were perfect for Tycia! (Just Kidding Ty) We went on a self-guided tour of the monument. Rhen read to us while we made our way through. He did a fabulous job! It was awesome! It was pretty toasty, so I was practically melted by the time we finished. It made the hour long air conditioned car ride really appreciated!

1 comment:

Danny Wahlquist said...

Those are some small showt dows. You could have limboed.